Horningsea Parish Council Traffic workshop

Wednesday, 21st Sept 19.30, Horningsea village hall

Horningsea Parish Council is organising a traffic workshop in which we will be taking people’s feedback about the traffic situation in Horningsea. There are numerous problems and suggestions that people have had. We would like to talk about all of these and get people’s ideas. Topics to discuss:

1. Traffic volume
2. Speeding
3. Village entrance (North and South)
4. Traffic calming on the high street
5. Public parking
6. Suggestions, feedback and ideas
Bring any ideas and suggestions to the meeting. Drawings, text, photos. Anything helps.

The Parish council is working with Highways and the County/District Council to put forward suggestions.
This is a lengthy process and we want to make sure that we gather as much information as possible.
The format of the workshop is going to be fairly informal and will be ‘timeboxed’ to 1.5 hours.
1. Opening
2. Explanation of the goals of the workshop
3. Discuss specific areas on the map
4. Decide Actions/Conclude/Close

We hope to see you there.
Robert Balm, Chairman, Horningsea Parish Council

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