Horningsea Herald October 2021

Here’s October’s Horningsea Herald,

This month we celebrate the retirement of Michael Gingell from farming. This is truly the end of an era as Michael’s father started farming in Horningsea in 1936. Come to the church for the Harvest festival on the 10th (this Sunday), then along to the village hall for a ploughman’s lunch and retirement party for Michael to thank him for all he has done for the village.

It is with sadness that we report the passing of two wonderful Horningsea residents at the end of September.

Don Edwards, along with Sally, created their wonderful Open Garden events, which raised much for charity and was always something to look forward to. Don Edwards passed away on Friday, 24th of September.

Robert Daws was a popular figure amongst both villagers and the farming community of Horningsea. Robert Daws passed away on Thursday, 23rd of September after a short illness.

Here’s a recent find of an old Harvest Festival poster. Any guesses as to its age?

HarvestPoster 1960s

The real poster is

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