Winners of the Horningsea Short Story Competition

The winners will be announced at a Literary afternoon on Zoom on

Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May at 4pm – 5.30pm.

The Judges are: Cressida Downing, Alison Bruce, Janet Bingham, Ben Quash and Angela Brown (winner last time). Fran Johnstone is chairing the Judges who have already had a preliminary meeting to see if they can narrow down the entries to a short list.

On 3rd May there will be a talk and writing activity for children led by Janet Bingham – make sure you have paper and pencil or crayons so you can join in. Cressida and Alison will then talk about writing skills and their own writing techniques.

The winners will be asked to read their entries.

We hope that later in the year we can have a “live” event with our judges and other authors – but we have to wait for the Covid rules to change.

The link to Zoom will be in the Horningsea Herald and the village Facebook page.

If you cannot access the link, email franjohnstone (at)

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