Horningsea Herald mid-April 2020

Here’s the first ever mid monthly Herald (well apart from previous ones that were just very late!).

There’s a list of local food suppliers that will deliver to Horningsea in the Herald. There’s a continuously updated page on the village website too. Remember that the Plough and Fleece are still doing takeaways on Friday and Saturday. Their menu is attached.

On the topic of food Horningsea Parish Charities are providing a selection of fruit and vegetables in the porch of St Peter’s Church. If you live in the parish of Horningsea please help yourself. Especially people who are self isolating and cannot order food online, who are struggling because they are self employed or on zero hours contracts or their businesses have had to close or their children are at home and so they cannot work, or you work in the NHS and are exhausted …

If you are struggling with food then email Horningsea Assists and some kind soul will do your shopping for you!

If you have anything that you think will be of interest to your fellow villagers then please send it in. It just needs to have a Horningsea connection. We want recipes from villagers, articles about Horningsea past. What would be great is a regular “What needs doing in my garden this month?”. Anybody up for that?

If you know of a self isolating or vulnerable person that does not have access to the Herald then please forward this email to them. Please only print out and pass on if you strictly follow the correct guidelines for shielding.

Please do keep checking on your neighbours. A phone call works wonders!

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