Horningsea Herald April 2020

Much like everything else at the moment this month’s Herald is very different from previous ones. There’s no current events for the month, or those after. So instead we have different content, hopefully to keep you informed and amused. The Herald will now go out on a fortnightly basis to help with communication.

If you have anything that you think will be of interest to your fellow villagers then please send it in. It just needs to have a Horningsea connection.

For example there are currently lots of Teddy Bears and Rainbows in house windows. Anybody up to the task of taking photos of them all?

If you know of a self isolating or vulnerable person that does not have access to the Herald then please forward this email to them. Please do NOT print out and pass on unless you strictly follow the correct guidelines for shielding.

..and finally in a piece of rare good news Horningsea Parish Council’s traffic calming (LHI) grant application was successful!

58250 6 CV19 related scams graphic

church building closed poster CofE national (1) 27 3 20.pdf

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