Horningsea Herald March 2017

Here’s March’s Horningsea Herald.

As you are undoubtedly aware there will be a new housing development on the old Waterbeach Barracks site north of Waterbeach. This is a significant development, with approximately 10,000 houses over a 20 year period and will significantly change this area.

There’s a lot of information contained within this month’s Herald about the development. Mainly resulting from the recent presentation in the village by the main developer (Urban and Civic with 6,500 houses planned). There’s a report from the parish council about that meeting and information about the planning application. There’s also information about a group of concerned villagers who got together following the meeting. They aim to represent this village and do what they can to help make the inevitable negative aspects of the development be matched by benefits.

The editorial team will endeavour to give you regular updates about this development.

Here’s to a lovely spring and a wonderful summer.

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