Here’s the
last Herald of 2014.

Don’t forget the Candlelit Carol Service on Sunday 14th December at 18:00, in St Peter’s Church. With some Christmas Carol singing around Horningsea on the 23rd.

Here’s to an enjoyable festive season….!

How to submit news to the Herald

The only guideline for news is for events and articles that are of direct relevance to the inhabitants of Horningsea. e.g. local events, reports of local events, useful services. The Herald does not accept advertising, but one off “news items” may be used to publicise your “service” if it meets the criteria. To submit news items either email “horningseanews@gmail.com” or submit them via Twitter https://twitter.com/ horningseanews. You must submit by the 25th of the month, the Herald being published around the start of the month. Submission of any news items implies consent to any editing and the editorial team’s decision is always final. News items that are sent ready to be copy and pasted into the Herald will make the editorial team smile. Plain text sent via email is greatly preferred. Please also use the third person when writing articles and use the 24 hr notation for time. Thanks!

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